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Who are you thinking about today?
We’re all busy, but don’t you ever get tired of using that as an excuse for why you don’t think about people more? I know I do.
Think about it – if you’re always running around with a to-do list in your head, it leaves little room for you to think about the people you really care about…much less hear the voice of God!
Maybe someone has even said to you, “If I was important enough to you, you’d call me!” <or these days, text, Skype, etc>
You want to assure them they are important, but really, there’s an ounce of truth to that. If you don’t have room in your life to even think about someone, you certainly won’t make time to contact them.
Start today by reclaiming the ‘down time’ in your life: when you wake up, drive time…heck, even bathroom time! Don’t try to fill every minute of everyday with a task. Take time to let your mind wander and dwell on those you love – and better yet – let them know you were thinking about them!
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ~ Philippians 4:8
I am thinking about several people tonight, 12:10, Saturday Morning. I am thinking about my dear friends the Gagnons. I am thinking about my 8 year old grandson, who was diagnosed yesterday with Crohn’s disease. I am thinking about my dear wife who is not feeling very well. I am thinking about the Lord who gave up so much to save me and now waits for me to come Home. I am thinking how God has blessed me at 71, to have the health and strength to be a care giver for my dear wife.
Thank you so much for sharing, Harry! Praying with you for all these special people in your life 🙂