What Would Jesus Do?

by Sami

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We love because he first loved us –1 John 4:19


This has become a popular catch phrase in our culture today.  It’s not uncommon to see “WWJD?” on bracelets, bumper stickers, and t-shirts.  However, it seems like we’ve forgotten what those initials represent.  In everything we do, we should be asking ourselves, “How would Jesus act right now?  What would Jesus say right now?”


A good friend of mine recently experienced some very trying times at the airport, a scenario I think we can all relate to.  She could have blown up at someone any number of times, but instead she had recently been challenged to reflect upon how Jesus acted in His time here on earth.  Many times we focus on what we say, but overlook what we do.  As someone with a Masters Degree in Communication Studies, I can guarantee you that when our verbal and our non-verbal communication do not match, our non-verbal actions are what speak louder every time. 


So I now pass the challenge on to you.  You don’t have to buy a bracelet to participate in this experiment.  In EVERYTHING you do today, first stop and ask yourself how Jesus would act in this situation, how He would respond to an annoying phone call, or what He would do in His quiet time.  The best way to witness to someone about Jesus is by being an example of Him to them.


Walk in all the ways that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.  – Deut 5:33

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