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Just dropped my kids off for school, barely on time, and now I’m pulled over in the parking lot sobbing like a baby.
It could be because I had to drive like a banshee to get there and then broke the rules somehow and didn’t drop them off in the right place, which led me to be reprimanded by the headmaster who is helping outside. It brought me back to that junior high, called into the principals office kind of feeling, but I never got called into the principals office, so could it even be that?
Is it just a release of emotions that is long overdue? Even as I just wrote those words the tears started flowing again, so maybe that’s it.
There has been so much going on for the past few weeks, trying to get back into a normal routine, while still not really understanding what normal is at this point.
In recent days, a lot of things that we have taken for granted as being a part of our lives have come into question, and perhaps I have not paused long enough to reflect on the impact that has had on my emotions and my family.
So here I sit, with a stuffed up nose and red eyes, desperately trying to pull myself together before I show up at the radio station, yet crying more every time I think about trying to stop.
I realize I cry more easily than most, but it’s not often that I cannot even tell you why I’m crying. In fact I’m thinking about deleting this post altogether, but that wouldn’t be very authentic now, would it?
So if you actually took the time to read this, please don’t feel sorry for me, just know that I needed to talk to someone, but didn’t think I could actually collect myself for long enough to carry on a conversation, so instead I decided to have one with you.
Am I alone here, or has anyone else ever felt this way too???
Thanks for all the love you guys! Sometimes we just have those days, don’t we?!
And FYI – a few of you have come down hard on our headmaster in response to this – it was not my intention at ALL to imply he was harsh or this was his fault – it just happened to be the catalyst that set me off. He’s a wonderful asset to our school and I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t putting any undue blame on him
I cry all the time. One time I cried because they stopped making my favorite girl scout cookie. I try to never do it in front of other people. I don’t know why that is. Emotions sometimes are looked at negatively. I am so sorry that you had a bad day. We are all broken and we all have these moments. We can’t really appreciate all the good without going through the bad. Life is funny that way. Next time call me and we can cry together. Tomorrow will be better. And if it’s not call me for sure. We will make it better. I have LOTS of funny stories!!!
My moment was Tuesday night, Sami…hence, my multiple posts about red wine. I’m so grateful that I am not the only one. Thanks for your transparency.
Oh, this just breaks my heart! I have felt the very same way. To me it feels like being very, very small in a big, scary, not nice world. I don’t cry easily, but sometimes life is too hurried, too painful, and too stark. But we are never truly alone! Hope you are feeling better!
The “I have to quit crying” almost always makes the crying worse … I’m having one of those months … Bar studying and working and wedding planning equals OVERwhelmed me! Hope your day gets better!!
Glad to know I’m not the only one this happens to. This sounds like a day in the life of me…
I know how you feel.. God’s peace and comfort to you!
I’ve had my share of rushed mornings. I don’t think I’ve ever sobbed in the parking lot.
However, I have experienced the frustration of the car line people. They’re oblivious to everyone’s morning situations and are just trying to get everyone through the lines as quickly as possible. Try not to take it too personally. The headmaster probably just needs a hug.
You are most definitely not alone.
I don’t have any profound words to share except to say, your feelings and emotions are never wrong.
They just are.
I’m sorry you’ve had a rough morning, but know that you made me (and others I’m sure) feel
okay about those moments in our lives.
I’m crying right now SAMI! I’m thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheee same way. You are NOT alone! <3 you girl. Traci