The Daily Dash: November 2, 2017 {#MeToo #HerToo}

by brenna

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I’m going deep today and uncovering the uncomfortable…

The Daily Dash: November 2, 2017 {#MeToo #HerToo} 

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No one experiences complete sanctification without going through a “white funeral – the burial of the old life – Oswald Chambers

Last night in a parenting class at church, the subject of #MeToo was brought up. I don’t think I’ve shared this with you yet, but I’ve been in the midst of a class/group for adult victims of childhood abuse for the past few months, so this is a topic I’m all too familiar with.

I’m pretty sure I haven’t shied away from sharing with you all that I’ve experienced 3 instances of sexual abuse in my life, but after learning that the definition of sexual abuse is wider than I’d ever afforded, that number could actually go up.

But that’s not the point; the point is that regardless of what we’ve been through, we need to become people others trust to share their story with. While I have a phone and a social media platform to share my story and get help if I need it, many do not. They live in fear, oppression and sometimes even in captivity. That’s why in addition to #MeToo, we need to join with UNICEF in sharing #HerToo for those who don’t have a platform or a voice.

And don’t get me wrong – this is not only a situation that has female victims; there are many men and boys that have suffered the pain of sexual abuse and misconduct as well. The point is, we need to stop perpetuating false reality an begin to understand what love, true love, is supposed to look like. I pray each of you will embrace God’s unconditional love and also become that safe place others can trust with their stories.

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The Daily Dash: November 2, 2017 {#MeToo #HerToo}

Hope you make it a great day!

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