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Summer just started and the possibilities are endless, right?
If your household is like mine, you’ve most likely already heard those dreaded words ringing in the hallways from your kids…
Have no fear! I’m here with summer boredom busters to help every parent start the summer right!
Summer Boredom Busters
Popsicle Sticks:

1. Create Popsicle People
-Kids made famous pairs from movies they love with just markers, glue and construction paper
2. Have a Puppet Show
-Of course what would a popsicle stick be if not the perfect base for a puppet show?
3. Boredom Jar
-Write an equal combination of chores and ‘treats’ on popsicle sticks and display them in a small jar or vase in your home. Anytime a kid says “I’m Bored!”, they draw a stick from the jar – it may be something fun like a family dance party or they may end up having to clean their sibling’s room!
Use Old School Supplies:
4. Make Homemade Crayons
-Take broken crayons and melt them in a silicone ice cube tray to create new colors (7 other homemade kid craft ideas here)
5. Make Goo
-Use old bottles of glue to make homemade goo (homemade goo tutorial here)
6. Make a Summer Scrapbook
-Have kids draw things they want to do over the summer on the left side of a page and as they do them, paste the picture onto the right side.

Cook Together:
7. Make Smoothies
-Frozen fruit & juice make great summer treats that are hard for kids to mess up.
8. Teach Your Kids to Chop
-Summer is the perfect time to teach young children basic kitchen skills like peeling and chopping
9. Make Something from Scratch
-Get a cookbook from the library and try to make something from scratch that you’d normally buy (like pop tarts or pasta)
10. Homemade Popsicles
-Speaking of homemade, you can get popsicle molds at the dollar store to fill with leftover smoothies or juice for a homemade frozen treat!
Discover all my recipe posts here…
Around the House:

11. Make a fort
-It never fails for fun and becomes both an activity and a playhouse afterward!
12. Plant a garden
-Even if you only have a small pot, container, or even egg carton, kids can see what it takes to grow a seed into something they’ll eat.
13. Clean out Toys
-Our kids know they if they don’t play with a toy for an extended period of time, it will be given away. Make kids actually separate their toys, games & books into piles of keep, maybe and giveaway.
Around Town:
14. Look for free park performances and movies
-In Nashville, Red Caboose & Dragon Park have great summer options
15. Visit the Library
-See free puppet shows and events at the main library downtown…and all the libraries have free reading programs where kids can earn prizes for completing their reading ‘bingo’ sheet
16. Purity Dairy Tour
-It’s free AND everyone gets free ice cream at the end to cool off!
Day Trip:
17. Berry Picking
Go pick berries at a farm (usually within a 1 hour radius of Nashville) and then come home to make jam, smoothies or homemade ice cream!
18. Farm Tour
Local farms like Hatcher Dairy and Gentry Farm will offer free farm tours when you call ahead
19. Chattanooga
One of our favorite places to go for a day of family fun: visit the Aquarium or Children’s Discovery Museum (Check out all our Chattanooga posts)
20. Walk around Opryland
We’ve got one of the most beautiful resorts right here in our backyard! Spend the day touring the grounds of Opryland, take a boat ride in the Delta, or even watch one of the free fountain shows. (Here’s more of our Opryland fun)
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