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Starbucks Trunk or Treat {The Daily Dash: October 29, 2018}
* New Boeing passenger plane with 180 people on board crashes in water off coast of Indonesia
* 11 killed in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
* Meghan Kelly loses her morning show after racist comments
* Man accused of mail bomb spree to face judge today
* Red Sox win the World Series (4 in last 15 seasons)
* National Internet Day & World Psoriasis Day
The greatest need we have is not to do things, but to believe things ~ Oswald Chambers
In the midst of a lot of difficult news that has emerged in the past few days, we’ve found ways to celebrate this weekend.
First, our family walked alongside close family friends in the Nashville ALS walk on Saturday morning. Though the weather was cold and wet, it didn’t deter us from honoring so many fighting this horrific disease.
* See a bit of our experience here:
* There is still time to donate here:
Yesterday was our church’s Fall Fest (aka Trunk or Treat). Initially we just signed up to fill a parking space because organizers were simply asking for more people to fill the lot to give out candy to the kids.
But the night before, my husband came up with the brilliant idea to create a parking lot Starbucks, of sorts. So we dismantled our patio to re-assemble in the church parking lot and pulled out the box of all his old Starbucks gear from when he worked there.
Before we knew it, we weren’t just distributing sweets, we became a mini oasis for the parents. My husband brewed iced coffee, complete with cream and classic syrup for those who wanted it. People couldn’t believe it.
Sure, there were the occasional visitors who asked if we had soy milk or were making Frappuccinos, but (as I explained to my husband later on) they may have truly believed we were an actual pop-up Starbucks because we were just that good ?
My only concern at this point: how we’ll top ourselves next year. Check out our Starbucks Trust or Treat set-up here:
May we all be nurturing, looking for ways foster life and growth in others.
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Hope you make it a great day!