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Make the effort. Take the trip. Send the text. Choose the best. Live for today.
These are a few things my Aunt Gloria is known for saying. Today was her memorial service and I can’t wait to share more of her with you…
Remembering My Aunt Gloria {Daily Dash: November 27, 2023}
We lost my 91-year-old aunt and today was her memorial service. She lived life to the fullest and it was beautiful to hear how everyone also remembered her life in that way.
Some of the favorite things that were said about her included some of her most-repeated remarks:
- Take chances
- Live fully
- Grab life by the horns
- Say what you mean
- Choose only the best
- You never know what’s going to happen. Plan for tomorrow; live for today.
Fellow family members described her as loving, open, real, and authentic. You always knew where you stood with her. She never held back, was never fake, and never swept anything under the rug.
I loved hearing about how she loved my uncle for 57 years. I was reminded of her love for baking bread and pastries. She loved Cubs games. She designed clothes and regularly played bridge and mahjong.
Before the service concluded, the rabbi shared some things we all knew, but needed to hear one more time. More than anything else, she was friendly and warm. She loved all kinds of people. She could see into people’s hearts. And she loved to laugh (her and my dad shared a mutual love for the Jewish comedian, Jackie Mason).

I’m so thankful I was just able to spend time with her last month. Britton and I had lunch with Gloria, her daughter & her husband, my Aunt Ellen, and my mom & Joyce.
Aunt Gloria was the last of my dad’s siblings to pass. As my middle brother said, it’s hard to believe that entire generation of our family is now gone. And now you know why I always end my Daily Dash by saying, “Don’t wait to tell someone you love how you feel about them.”

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We are to be in the world, but not OF it- to be separated internally, not externally ~ Oswald Chambers
PRAYER FOCUS: Authenticity
One word that kept coming up over and over again at my Aunt’s memorial service was authenticity. I pray we all strive to be our most authentic selves and show up that way no matter who is around us.
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Hope you have a great day, make sure you make it great and don’t forget to tell someone you love how you feel about them!