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I’ve been telling people I had a great day yesterday, but I also realized how we think about our day is framed by the lens through which we see things…
Reframe Your Day {Daily Dash: February 20, 2025}
One of the reasons I love counseling/therapy is because is such a healthy mirror. Sometimes when we get down on ourselves, we need someone else to reflect the good we’ve come through and the positive aspects of the situation.
Likewise, if we tend to gloss over the hard times in life, we may need someone to help remind us about the reality of a situation, especially if it’s one we don’t wish to repeat in the future.
All that to say, even though I could go back and change some things about yesterday, I can still proclaim it was a good day!
- Another plane crash happened
- UNC beat NC State last night (& my daughter was at the game!)
- National Leadership Day
The goal of my spiritual life is such close identification with Jesus Christ that I will always hear God & know He hears me -Oswald Chambers
It can be difficult to know where to focus our energy and attention in the face of fear, but I pray courage over each of you today as you attack your own battles.
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I hope you have a great day, make sure you make it great, and do not wait to tell someone you love how you feel about them!