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Michael & me after his Platform Keynote
It didn’t take long for Michael Hyatt to capture my attention during his opening keynote this weekend. Not only is his new book “Platform” helping people get noticed, but more importantly it shares how everyone can develop a powerful, personal platform.
Of course, this appeals to me immensely as a blogger and media personality. But more importantly, it made me realize that each of us have a personal platform, regardless of whether it’s in business or simply at home with our families.
Bottom line: we all have a voice. And if you think you don’t, you’re just plain crazy. A platform provides visibility, amplification, & connection… so now it’s up to you as to how you’re going to project it.
I can’t possibly share everything he shared with us at the Savvy Blogging Summit this week (you’ll have to buy Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World for that!), but I did want to share my top takeaways in hopes of inspiring you to consider the platform you have, how effective it is, and how to make it all that you want it to be.
My Top 7 Takeaways:
1. Everyone potentially has a megaphone and everyone is potentially connected to everyone else. If you don’t have a strategy or a game plan to exceed people’s expectations, you lose them.
2. Expectation is the mother of procrastination
3. Assume the role of Chief Marketing Officer for your own brand. Think bigger.
4. The difference between a dream and a goal is a date.
5. Narrowly focus on the things that bring you the most value
6. You have to give a lot more than you expect to receive.
7. What would a platform make possible (if you took it to the next level?)-the world is counting on you to step up to the next level. What you have to offer is necessary. if you don’t express it, it will never be expressed.
And finally, never forget, there’s a lot more people who have failed than have succeeded.
So, what is your platform? How will you look at your platform differently from this day forward? (Don’t procrastinate, just answer!)