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Last Day for Early Voting {The Daily Dash: November 1, 2018}
* 5 days until midterm election – last day for early voting in TN
* University of Maryland fires football coach one day after he was reinstated
* Red Sox had World Series Championship celebration parade in Boston
* Google workers walking out to protest companies mishandling of sexual misconduct
* National Brush Day
Remove the thought from your mind of expecting God to come to force you or to plead with you ~ Oswald Chambers
We hit a milestone in our family last night: our kids didn’t really care about dressing up for Halloween or Trick-or-Treating. Actually, I take that back, my husband did end up taking our son out for a little bit after he got his homework done. But between the bad weather, so much schoolwork and their age, we’re realizing Halloween just isn’t what it used to be for our kids.
This is also the first year where we didn’t go to a pumpkin patch or Cheekwood for pictures and that I didn’t get a picture of them together in a costume ? I guess this is what the different seasons of parenting are all about.
Not only is today the first day of November, but it’s the last day for early voting (at least here in Nashville). I’ve heard people on both sides of the aisle say this and I’ll echo it here: I’m not here to tell you who to vote for, I’m just here to tell you to get out and vote!
People literally died fighting for the right to vote, so it doesn’t matter whether you agree with me or see things the way I do, the important thing is that you exercise your democratic right to go to the poles and vote. (I don’t want to hear any excuses if you’re 18 or older!).
I pray you stay focused on the task at hand and keep your sights set on things that are eternal and not temporal.
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Hope you make it a great day!