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Kariss has been having so much fun with her Barbie Photo Fashion Doll
these past few weeks that it was only natural that she would want to bring her Barbie along to document her school bike race/fundraiser, “Rollin’ Roar”, as she rode on her Barbie bike AND Barbie scooter.
It turned out to be a FABULOUS day in Nashville! After several days in a row of nearly freezing temperatures, today turned into a crisp, blue-skied day in the 60’s…perfect for riding bikes and raising money for the kids’ school 🙂
It also provided the perfect backdrop for Kariss’s photos with her Barbie Photo Fashion Doll. Kariss took a few shots of her 3rd-grade classmates at the starting line, and then I took a few of her and her friends so she’d have them for her scrapbook:
It’s fun for her to be able to edit the photos right from the Barbie doll, not to mention adding fun treatments to the photos.
While it might be normal for my 8-year-old to walk around with a Barbie, obviously some of my fellow third-grade moms thought it a little strange that I was walking around holding a Barbie so preciously and looking so attentively into its belly. Finally, one of them asked, “Is that a camera?!”
I smiled, said yes, then quickly attracted a crowd of interested moms around me 🙂
I demonstrated what she could do, how she worked, and showed off her pictures. One of the moms, a professional photographer herself, asked about the quality of the pictures. While I told her I didn’t think they were frame-worthy, it’s been great for Kariss to use recreationally for her own pictures and personal memory keeping.
Of course, it’s easier for me to carry around than my own camera and I’m not as worried about misplacing it either:
Above all, I love that Kariss has her own method to capture memories now. Not only is her Barbie Photo Fashion Doll a familiar friend that she can play with every day, but now she represents a tool that’s allowing her to not only express her creativity, but also to develop a skill she really enjoys, photography, but in an extremely age-appropriate way.
This is a sponsored post from One2One Network. Mattel product and additional incentives were provided to me. I only agreed to write the post because I thought the Barbie Photo Fashion Doll was something I would buy for my daughter anyway 🙂 All opinions stated are my own.