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I’m positive I missed being on the dash with you…
I Tested Positive {The Daily Dash: January 31, 2022}
- Bengals will face the Rams in the 2022 Super Bowl in LA
- Rafael Nadal makes history with win in Australian Open; now holds the most Grand Slam titles of any man
- National Hot Chocolate Day
We are not responsible for the circumstances we are in, but we are responsible for the way we allow those circumstances to affect us ~ Oswald Chambers
I’m sorry I’ve been off the dash for so long, but I couldn’t wait a day longer! Not only was there so much news to share from this past weekend, but it was an epic sports weekend as well.
Not just that, but I tested positive earlier in January, so I’ve been laying low and getting better. We also decided to sell our home and buy a new one at the end of last year. So when you put moving together with the holidays, it just proved too much for me to do it all. I wanted to be present in the important moments and that took me off of social media for the most part.
That being said, I have something fun I want to share with you tomorrow and I hope you’ll join me on a little 21-day challenge I created!
I pray you face adversity with courage and optimism. I also pray we have the strength to stand up to those being persecuted around us, those who may not have a voice of their own.
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- Focus on the Family interview
- Get healthy with aloe
Don’t want to miss even one day of the Daily Dash? Catch up on all of my Daily Dash videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Hope you have a great day, make sure you make it great and don’t forget to tell someone you love how you feel about them!