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Evaluating health care coverage is something you should be doing every year. In fact, I recommend re-evaluating all your recurring monthly and annual expenses regularly to ensure you’re not overspending. But perhaps no category is as important to evaluate than your health care and insurance.
Evaluating Your Current Health Care Coverage
Health Care has been such a talked about topic in 2020 that on this month’s Sami Cone Show, we want to break down the options before you. I brought in friend and trusted expert, Sharita Bent, to discuss not only why you should evaluate your current plan, but uncover why a health care sharing ministry may be an even better option than insurance, especially if you don’t currently have coverage.
Before we go further, allow me to reinforce a basic savings tip.
Sometimes we fall victim to the ‘set and forget’ mentality, especially if something is being automatically drafted from our paycheck every month before we see it. Even if you LOVE your current set-up (with insurance, cable, gym, etc), it never hurts to update your current provider on your current family situation and get an account check-up.
You could be missing out on savings from a new promotion they’re now offering or discover ways to save because of your life status. Even if you don’t want to change where you are, getting a quote from another company helps you negotiate lower rates with your current provider. Bottom line: it never hurts to ask.
Health Insurance vs. Health Care Sharing
Let’s face it, not everyone has access to traditional insurance. Whether it’s because you’re self employed or your employer doesn’t offer coverage (or any number of other reasons), living without insurance can be scary. Believe me, I know. As an entrepreneur, I’ve often lamented whether or not I should return to a ‘traditional’ full-time just to be able to get health care coverage for my family.
Thankfully, we’ve found a better option that allows me to stay within my God-given calling and still take care of my family. Allow me to tell you about Medi-Share.
What is Medi-Share?
Medi-Share is not insurance. In fact, their members say it’s better.
Medi-Share is a health care sharing ministry where members share each other’s medical bills and pray for each other’s medical challenges.
With 400,000+ members across America and access to over 900,000 nationwide providers, more than $50 million dollars are shared each month.
Top 5 Reasons Why Health Care Sharing Ministries are Better Than Insurance
Before we head into winter months, this is the time to be proactive instead of reactive in your personal health care. These are the top 5 reasons why health care sharing ministries – like Medi-Share – are better than insurance:
- Savings -Medi-Share members save 50% or more per month
- Sharing of Eligible Medical Bills – Over $2 billion shared since 1993 (Medi-Share has a patented technology “Member Sharing Exchange – MSE”)
- Telehealth & Telemental Health – Unlimited Free Access
- Christian Community – Biblical community & values with Prayer support
- Member voted guidelines
Most importantly, Medi-Share is the only health-care sharing ministry where you don’t have to self-pay or get reimbursed.

How to Save up to 50% off
One of the biggest benefits of Medi-Share membership is the monthly savings. Members save up to 50% what they would typically spend on traditional health insurance.
In fact, members save up to 50% with their patented MSE technology.
What Do You Get as a Medi-Share Member?
Medi-Share membership allows access to a number of things you might not expect to find with insurance or even other health-sharing ministries.
Direct Bill Management
First of all, Medi-Share offers direct bill management. Medi-Share directly manages medical bills on your behalf. This means you get to focus on your health and and let Medi-Share deal with the hassle.
No Eligible Bill Too Large
Second of all, no eligible bill is too large. In fact, every eligible bill has been shared since 1993. Gone are the days of worrying about how much you’re spending on health care.
Confidence in Community
With Medi-Share, you’ll find confidence in community. Rest assured knowing the Medi-Share family will be there for you when you need it the most.

Medi-Share Free Inclusions
The following are always FREE and unlimited as a medi-share member:
- Telehealth
- Telemental Health
- Prayer support
- Community
- Encouragement
Free Telehealth & Telemental Health
With the current state of our world, the free telehealth and telemental health options alone make Medi-Share worth investigating further.
So many of us are afraid to go to the doctor because we don’t want to pick up something worse than what we may already have. With Medi-Share’s 24/7 telehealth access, now you can consult with a medical professional from the comfort of your home.
And it’s no surprise that mental health issues are on the rise. Thankfully, the stigma is going away and people are more willing to seek out counseling and other options to improve their mental health.
While many insurance programs don’t fully cover mental health consults, Medi-Share proudly offers unlimited access to professional counseling for all covered family members.
More Medi-Share Discounts
Medi-Share members can also take advantage of discounts on dental, vision and hearing. And with their portable and convenient Medi-Share App, accessing these options is even easier.
If you’re ready to learn how to save up to 50% off on health care, text Sami to 474747 or visit
Watch my full interview with Sharita from the The Sami Cone Show…