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The February 2020 episode of The Sami Cone Show is all about love: loving yourself, loving others and loving where you live!
We start the show by adding some sparkle to your day while also erasing & replacing self-limiting labels. Then we explore some unique Nashville date night ideas for Valentine’s Day and beyond. I’m also excited to get back in the kitchen to make a delicious and anti-inflammatory burger recipe. And finally, I catch up with one of my favorite children’s book authors to uncover what we can ALL learn from within the pages of his latest best-seller.
Episode 6 of The Sami Cone Show originally aired on Friday, February 14, 2020 and re-aired on Saturday, February 16 at Noon.
The Sami Cone Show: Episode 6 Show Segments {February 2020}

Erase & Replace Self-Limiting Labels with Diana Sumpter
Loving others starts with understanding God’s love for us and first applying it towards ourselves. My superstar guest, Diana Sumpter, brings the sparkle and helps us erase and replace those self-limiting labels that plague so many of us.
Learn more about Diana’s work, her new book and the incredible motivational poem she read on air by clicking the button below.
Nashville Date Night Ideas
Love always seems to be in the air in Nashville. That’s why I asked one of my favorite Nashville bloggers and friends, Michelle of Modern Day Moguls, to share some Nashville Date “Night” options that go beyond just Valentine’s Day, including places for lunch, dinner, spas, overnight experiences and more!
From garden walks at Gaylord Opryland to trying something new as a couple, we share multiple ideas in 4 categories of activities…
(This segment sponsored by Gaylord Opryland)
Black Bean Quinoa
Cooking is one thing, but healing your body from the inside-out is another. Thankfully, Lori Zabka came on the show to help us do both!
Cookbook author and founder of the Anti-Diet Program, Lori Z, came on to teach us about the importance of anti-inflammatory foods and how cooking can be delicious and nutritious with this simple recipe.
When God Made the World Author Interview
When is the last time you turned to a children’s book for wisdom in how to approach today’s issues?
Matthew Paul Turner joined me, not just to discuss his latest best-seller, but what any of us at any age can learn from its powerful message.
Bonus Features
Sami’s Savings Tip: Start Planting Seedlings
While the weather can still fluctuate this time of year, it’s the perfect time to plant seedlings of your favorite fruits, vegetables and herbs inside. You can literally get seeds for free from local sources, like the public library, or even harvest them from the produce you’re already eating. Plant them in recyclable egg cartons and by the time spring is here, you’ll be ready to transplant them outside! You’ll enjoy your favorite fresh foods at a fraction of the cost this year.
Before I Go, I Need You to Know: Seek & Ask
That’s right, you are the only one of you. You were MADE for this…for this time, for this place, for this purpose. God created you to be uniquely yourself, so stop comparing yourself to others!
So stop looking behind at what could have been or looking around you at what could be; be present in this moment and look up and ahead, asking God to pour all that He has and all that He is into you so you can be a vessel of hope and love for others.
Do you have a question for Sami? Read how to get yours on-air!
Premier Sponsor: SoundWaves at Gaylord Opryland
Come back to watch episode 6 in its entirety below.