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The August 2020 episode of The Sami Cone Show highlights some incredible young people and helps moms during this unique back to school season.
Whether you have kids going back to school or not, I’m showing you how and where to save big this month, plus revisiting some of my top savings tips. I also get in the kitchen with my son to share a delicious recipe we’ve made our own in the past few months.
Next, I’ll introduce you to a powerful and semi-sweet sister duo using fashion to empower young women everywhere. Finally, I’m catching up with a popular blogger & author to encourage moms everywhere right where we are in today’s uncertain climate.
So share this with a friend and tell them you’re about to be encouraged, equipped and inspired like never before.

Episode 12 of The Sami Cone Show airs on Friday, August 14, 2020, and re-airs on Saturday, August 15 at Noon.
The Sami Cone Show: Episode 12 Show Segments {August 2020}

Back to School Deals
Whether or not you have kids going back to school virtually or in-person – or whether you have kids at all – you can still save big this month! And don’t worry that you missed tax-free weekend either because I’m going to teach you what you should be buying right now, what you should wait on, and how to make sure you’re getting the most for your money.
Teenage Chef Makes Shrimp Scampi
What’s a celebration without food?! Thanks to Kirbee of KiNiMi Kitchen, we’ll be eating well as we celebrate each other with this highly customizable & family-friendly brunch board.
Semi-Sweet Sisters Start Fashion Movement
When you talk about fashion capitals, Nashville may not be the first city that comes to mind, but it Will after I introduce you to two powerful and sweet young women. Semi-sweet in fact.
That’s right, Abby James and Draper Witherspoon took an idea and turned it into a movement. Allow me to introduce you to Abigail Draper girl fashion and follow them as they deliver their first shipment of clothes to Opryland!
How to Parent in a Pandemic
“Brave” might not be the first word you think of when it comes to parenting, but never have we needed it more than right now. I speak with the author of “The Brave Art of Motherhood”, Rachel Marie Martin, who also happens to be an incredibly popular blogger and a good friend.
Watch to see how Rachel helps us prioritize parenting during a pandemic.
Before I Go, I Need You to Know: Don’t Let Anyone Think Less of You
For most of my life, I’ve always been younger than my peers: I graduated high school at 16 and college at 20. By the time I was in grad school, I was teaching students older than me. At the age of 12, I even found a way to fly myself out to LA to be on a TV show.
My point is this, I just introduced you to some incredible young people today who are wise beyond their years in many ways. They could never be where they are today if they, first of all, didn’t believe in themselves and, second of all, didn’t have adults who encouraged them.
1 Timothy 4:12 states:
“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”
I believe we’re never too young, or too old for that matter, to live out our life’s purpose. So I pray today you are both encouraged in your own pursuits and equipped in a new way to be an encouragement to others.
Watch episode 12 in its entirety:
Catch up on past episodes of The Sami Cone Show
Do you have a question for Sami? Read how to get yours on-air!
Wardrobe Sponsor: Lilly Pulitzer
Special thanks to Lilly Pulitzer at The Mall at Green Hills for providing my stunning dress this month. I would never have tried it on by just looking at it on the hanger. But my amazing friends at Lilly talked me into giving it a chance, and I’m so glad they did!

Did you know you can schedule private shopping appointments at Lilly Pulitzer at the Mall at Green Hills? If you prefer a socially distanced experience, they are happy to schedule time with you before they open or after they close.
Presenting Sponsor: Gaylord Opryland Resort
I remain grateful to partner with one of my favorite places to staycation in Nashville: Gaylord Opryland Resort. I had so much fun this month in SoundWaves with the Abigail Draper girls.

Did you hear they just announced SoundWaves Day Passes for Tennessee residents? Read my full review of my daughter’s Sweet 16 Hotel Party we celebrated at Opryland.