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The July 2020 episode of The Sami Cone Show is a celebration!
Even though it’s my birthday month, I’m about to share tons of birthday deals and freebies with you. Then we’re continuing the celebration with a delicious and family-friendly recipe. And if you’ve missed any special celebrations over the past few months, I’m talking to The Certified Celebrator on how you can make it up to your family and loved ones. Finally, I enlist the help of a friend to help keep our kids excited about and engaged in learning over the summer months.
Plus, you’ll want to stick around until the end of the show when I’ll be sharing how several of you can win $100 EACH toward college savings for your kids. (Hint, you can scroll to the bottom of this post for more details on how to enter NOW…)
So what are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started!

Episode 11 of The Sami Cone Show airs on Friday, July 10, 2020, and re-airs on Saturday, July 11 at Noon.
The Sami Cone Show: Episode 11 Show Segments {July 2020}

Birthday Freebies & Deals
It’s hard to believe I’m turning 45 this month. Whether you have a birthday coming up or not, I’m teaching you how to take advantage of as many birthday freebies and deals as possible.
Celebration Brunch Board
What’s a celebration without food?! Thanks to Kirbee of KiNiMi Kitchen, we’ll be eating well as we celebrate each other with this highly customizable & family-friendly brunch board.
Making up for Missed Celebrations
With so many missed celebrations over the past few months during the safer-at-home order, I decided to call on a CELEBRATION EXPERT, Brittany Young (The Certified Celebrator), to help us understand not only WHY it’s so important to celebrate, but HOW to do exactly that in today’s climate.
Discover why now is the perfect time to catch up and make good on any missed/canceled celebrations with family and friends, such as reunions, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations (of course, all while social distancing) and why SoundWaves is the perfect place to hold your celebration!
How to Keep Kids Engaged in & Excited about Learning over the (Quarantine) Summer
While many parents worry about their kids’ education backsliding over the summer months, this quarantine summer presents new challenges. By the time our kids (hopefully) return to school in the fall, many will have been out of the classroom for over 5 months.
So how can we re-engage our kids and get them excited about learning again? Amy Mascott, better known to her fans and readers as @TeachMama has the answers you’re looking for.
Bonus Features
Sami’s Savings Tip: Scholar Raise Giveaway
Speaking of getting excited about education, I’m thrilled to announce a special giveaway just for my audience! If you haven’t already heard me talk about Scholar Raise, allow me to introduce you to this incredible program.
Scholar Raise is a community-based, college saving platform that allows friends and family to easily and safely contribute to your child’s account online via a 529 college savings plan. You can set up an account in just 3 steps and in less than 5 minutes!
Thanks to Scholar Raise, 3 (yes 3!) of you will be randomly selected to win a $100 contribution from Scholar Raise for your child’s education expenses. Just visit and create a 529 plan for your child to enter today.
Before I Go, I Need You to Know: Live for Today, Plan for Tomorrow
If there’s anything I’ve learned from this time, it’s that we need to live in the moment while not forsaking our dreams and goals. While the future remains uncertain, that doesn’t mean we can’t still plan for it.
Just like I discussed with our kids’ education, it’s important to keep our eyes focused upward and onward. I love how The Message translates Philippians 3:12-14:
“I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.”
As you live for today, remember to keep pressing forward toward the ultimate goal God is calling you to.
Watch episode 11 in its entirety:
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