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Get 1 of 2 AARP free gifts during this flash sale and membership deal…
AARP Free Gift Flash Sale
There is a HOT AARP Flash Sale going on right now! You can become an AARP member for just $9/year. You just have to sign up for a 5-year membership to get that rate.

Think about it, you’re still only paying $45 for 5 years. That’s 43% off the standard annual rate of $16 per year. That means you lock in that low rate for the foreseeable future.
But not only is it a low rate. You get a FREE membership for a second member in your household.
UPDATE: Even when the Flash Sale ends, you still get a free gift. Plus, membership is typically just $15 a year. I made that membership fee back in the money I saved my first time using my AARP discount card.
AARP Benefits
Now you know it’s cheap. But why join AARP? Here are just a few of the most popular AARP benefits:
- DINING DISCOUNTS: everyday savings on restaurants, meal delivery, shopping and more
- TRAVEL DISCOUNTS: save on hotels, vacation planning, guides and more
- Health & Wellness discounts (including prescription eyewear discounts)
- FRAUD PROTECTION: helpline to protect against fraud, identity theft and more
- AARP magazine subscription
For example, we recently switched to AT&T for cell service. We signed up for AARP in the store because that discount was far greater than any other loyalty discount we had, even with the membership fee.
Unexpected FREE AARP Benefits:
There are a few freebies and discounts I was surprised to discover with AARP:
- FREE resume review
- FREE fitness webinars
- one FREE book annually
- AARP members can play over 30 member-only games
- Opportunities to contact government officials and participate in discussion groups and online courses

AARP Free Gifts
In addition to all the benefits of AARP highlighted above, new members can choose 1 of 2 free gifts:
- Pickleball Set
- Car Trunk Organizer
When I joined, I chose a 5-port charging hub. But this is the first time I’ve seen a Pickleball Set!
I’ve also seen an insulated trunk organizer, day bag, and bluetooth speaker as an option, but I hadn’t seen that listed before, so I don’t want to promise that will be available.

Can You Join AARP if You Are Under 50?
While AARP is dedicated to serving people age 50 and older, there is NO minimum age to join AARP! Can you believe that?
So now there’s really nothing holding you back from all the benefits of AARP membership.
Many of us refuse to grow where God plants us. Therefore, we don’t take root anywhere. – Oswald Chambers
I pray we all act the same in public as we do in private.
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Hope you have a great day, make sure you make it great and don’t forget to tell someone you love how you feel about them!