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Stepping into a new season of life can be scary, but Plumb (Tiffany Lee) is not only reinventing herself, but she’s reimagining one of her most popular albums of all time and sharing what she’s learned along the way.

CandyCoatedWaterdrops Reimagined: New Plumb Album
Watch my interview with Plumb on CandyCoatedWaterdrops Reimagined: the 25th anniversary of one of her most popular albums ever and her first Studio Album in 6 Years:
The new album released on April 13, 2024 and we discussed why it was so important to “reimagine” this particular album at this time in her life.
Listen to the album on Amazon Music
After six years since the release of her last album, Plumb has bravely returned to the music scene… something she wasn’t sure if she would ever do again after a completely unexpected and devastating divorce.
She describes her return as “starting over from where I left off, before I [unknowingly] gave all my power away to the one I had trusted the most”.
“A Wrecking Ball to Everything”
Plumb talks about her experience as a “wrecking ball to everything I had come to trust and had built, I had to reimagine, quite literally every area of my life”.
Unsure of where to begin again, she discovered in October 2023 that her most acclaimed album candycoatedwaterdrops would turn 25 on April 13, 2024. She says “that is where I left off as an independent woman so I have reimagined these songs, no longer a victim, but a fighter.”
This interview originally appeared on the April 2024 episode of The Sami Cone Show.