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“If a person sins because he does not speak up when he hears a public charge to testify regarding something he has seen or learned about, he will be held responsible.”
Leviticus 5:1
We are equally responsible for what we do as we are for what we see…
Held Responsible: Devotion Day 45
We know we are responsible for our actions, but did you know we are also responsible for what we see?
I could put on my mom hat and tell you what I tell my teenagers: that you become what you believe. That our eyes are the window to our soul. That what have a responsibility to either accept or reject what we see and hear.
While that is true, this scripture reminds me more of the story of bullying. People often think there are two people in a bullying situation: the bully and the victim. But in reality, there is often a third participant: the bystander.
Most bullying situations don’t occur in a vacuum. If we see something that needs to be changed but don’t act on it, we are perpetuating the injustice.
In Leviticus 5:1, we read that if someone sins by not speaking up, he will be held responsible. What does that look like for you today? Perhaps it’s as simple as saying sorry to a friend you didn’t stand up for. Maybe you’ve been silent after witnessing racial injustice or not interrupting someone as they start to tell an insensitive joke.
The action isn’t about making the other person feel bad as it is about taking responsibility for your own conscience as you stand for what is right, good, and true. (Phil 4:8)
Once A Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan & Devotion
Day: 45
Scripture: Leviticus 5:1-7:38
You can use this daily Bible reading plan with any Bible, but it’s patterned from NIV Once-A-Day Bible: Chronological Edition (which you can buy by clicking the title or the image below).
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Remember, you can start on ANY day of the year with this Once A Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan & Devotion…just click here to go to Day 1!