3 Character Building Tools Every Parent Needs – Vanderbilt Wishing Well blog

by Sami

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Every few months, I have the pleasure of contributing to the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Wishing Well Blog. This month I’m sharing a lesson very close to my heart: 3 character building tools every parent needs.

These parenting tips are ones learned from my experience as a child and tools I now have the responsibility to impart to my own children.

What matters most are the words we say to our kids before they start their day, or perhaps more importantly, what they actually hear from us.I’ve noticed this to be especially true with my first born who’s eight. Even if we’re just rushing to get ready in the morning and I don’t leave enough time to get through our typical morning routine (which includes a special sequence of kisses after breakfast), her tummy will start hurting on the way to school and I see anxiety creep in.

However, when I simply make sure to send them out the door properly (even if it’s without a hot meal!), I notice that they walk away feeling as if they can conquer the world.

So regardless of whether your kids are two or 22, I’ve found three things you need to instill in your children before they leave your presence each day: Read the entire Wishing Well blog post

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