2025 planDisney Panelist {Daily Dash: September 12, 2024}

by Sami

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I can’t believe the glass slipper fit after 15 years…

2025 planDisney Panelist {Daily Dash: September 12, 2024}


I only have one thing to share today: I’m a 2025 planDisney Panelist!

I’ve been applying for the planDisney Panel since 2010 (yes, you read that right). I’ve made it to the final round once before, but I finally got the YES this year.

In case you’re wondering, this is not the same thing as the Disney Social Media Moms Conference that I was fortunate enough to participate in for several years.

I’ll have much more to share about this honor in the days and months to come. For now, know that I’ll soon have the pleasure of answering guests’ questions about Disney Cruise Line vacations.

This is not a paid position, but we are compensated with a Disney vacation for our service.

As you know, I’ve been helping friends like you with my best Disney tips for years, so I cannot wait to continue my journey with the planDisney family. I’ll let you know when you can start asking me questions on planDisney.com!


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Joy should not be confused with happiness  – Oswald Chambers

PRAYER FOCUS: Persistence

I pray you have the persistence to always pursue your dreams.  

Stay in the know on the go:

2025 planDisney panelist announcement blog

Hope you have a great day, make sure you make it great and don’t forget to tell someone you love how you feel about them!

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